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EmojiBar by AMPHI

Get instant feedback from your visitors
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EmojiBar by AMPHI 개요

Simple 5-option emoji bar makes the review experience engaging and fun
Data dashboard visualises all responses by relevant time-period (today / this month / this year / all-time)
Email ID matching helps you identify superfans but also the customers that are likely to churn
Flexibility to add on any website page (user email capture only available for the post-purchase / 'Thank You' page)
Struggling with low response rates on your feedback forms? Traditional feedback forms can be long and tedious, resulting in low participation and incomplete data. Without reliable feedback, it’s hard to measure user satisfaction and spot key issues. EmojiBar offers a simple, one-click solution to easily understand if your visitors are happy with your brand and website experience. Minimal, and modular design: Fits seamlessly with any website design. Easy integration: Just drag & drop the EmojiBar onto any page after downloading the app. Fun animation: Optimised for both website/ mobile users, creating a positive and lasting impression. Personalisation: Choose from 17 custom animations that celebrate seasonal moments and your specific business category. Data collection: All customer responses are aggregated in a dashboard, with filtering options by time and emoji response. If the EmojiBar is added to the 'Thank-you' / post-purchase page, you'll be able to see email details next to each emoji response. INSTALL the EmojiBar app today and stay in tune with the latest and most relevant perceptions of your audience.

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