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Predis AI

Your Social Media Co-Pilot
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Predis AI 개요

Seamlessly link your store to receive a customized social media scheduling planner that aligns with your product offerings
Choose any product from your lineup to effortlessly create engaging advertisements or social media posts
Enter your competitors' social media handles to gain insights into their content strategies and enhance your own social media approach
Explore our advanced social media management tool, designed to streamline your digital marketing efforts. Connect your online store and instantly access a customized social media scheduling planner tailored to your product offerings. This feature simplifies content planning and maximizes engagement based on your specific inventory. Effortlessly create engaging content by selecting any product from your lineup. Our platform automatically generates attractive advertisements and social media posts, saving you time and ensuring consistent, appealing content to drive engagement and sales. Gain a competitive edge by monitoring the social media strategies of your rivals. Enter their handles, and our tool analyzes their posts, providing insights into their strategies. This knowledge helps you identify opportunities to enhance your own approach, improving your social presence and increasing market share. Equip yourself with the necessary tools to excel in the fast-paced world of social media marketing.
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앱 개발자Predis.ai

평점 및 후기

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요금 및 플랜

Free Trial 플랜


12 AI Generated Posts
1 Brand
5 Competitor Analysis Runs
Lite 플랜


60 AI Generated Posts per month
1 Brand
60 Competitor Analysis Runs per month
Premium 플랜


130 AI Generated Posts per month
Create upto 4 Brands
130 Competitor Analysis Runs per month
*가격은 USD 기준입니다.

2억 3천만 명 이상의 Wix 사용자를 위한 앱을 제작 및 출시하세요.