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Kekka Recent Sales Popup

Multiply Your Social Proof In 5 minutes
후기 0개
최저 $7.49/월

Kekka Recent Sales Popup 개요

Multiply your social proof and increase your conversion rate by highlighting recent orders
Create a sense of urgency and FOMO on product pages with targeted popups
Easy 5 minute setup without any tech skills necessary
Page targeting to show the popup in all the right places on the standard plan
Increase your conversion rate and turn more visitors into sales with zero creativity and just 5 minutes of your time. A recent sales popup can increase the effectiveness of your marketing dollars from the past, present, and future by multiplying your social proof. Try out this “social proof multiplier” risk-free today. Without any tech skills or time-consuming setup processes. And create the sense of urgency and fear of missing out similar to seeing a big line at a restaurant or food cart.

앱 지원 국가
해당 앱은 국가와 관계없이 이용 가능합니다.
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사이트 이용 시 필요한 Wix 제품
앱 개발자Kekka

평점 및 후기

아직 등록된 후기가 없습니다. 가장 먼저 후기를 남겨보세요.

요금 및 플랜

Basic 플랜


Recent Sales Popup For Social Proof
4 Page Position Options
Verified Badge To Increase Conversions
Product Image Display
Standard 플랜


Days Passed Order Filter
Product Linkable In Popup
Closeable Popup
Page Inclusion/Exclusion Targeting
Premium 플랜


Product Page Specific Sales Popups
*가격은 USD 기준입니다.

2억 3천만 명 이상의 Wix 사용자를 위한 앱을 제작 및 출시하세요.